Do I Need to Take the Tb Test Again
42 FAQ(s) accept been entered for this Programme.
- What if I have latent TB infection and HIV infection together?
- Answer: Considering HIV infection weakens the allowed system, people with latent TB infection and HIV infection are at very high hazard of developing active TB disease. All persons with HIV infection should be tested to notice out if they have latent TB infection. If they practise, they need treatment as soon as possible to prevent them from developing active TB disease. If they have active TB disease, they must take medicine to treat the disease.
NOTE: Active TB disease can be prevented and treated, even in people with HIV infection.
- Answer: Considering HIV infection weakens the allowed system, people with latent TB infection and HIV infection are at very high hazard of developing active TB disease. All persons with HIV infection should be tested to notice out if they have latent TB infection. If they practise, they need treatment as soon as possible to prevent them from developing active TB disease. If they have active TB disease, they must take medicine to treat the disease.
- Even though I have latent TB infection and feel fine, why does my doctor want me to take medication?
- Answer: Your doctor has prescribed an antibiotic called Isoniazid to foreclose the dormant bacteria in your lungs from condign active and causing TB disease. A six to nine month class of treatment greatly reduces the lifetime take a chance of developing TB affliction.
- If I have latent TB infection, how can I go on from developing active TB disease?
- Respond: Many people who have latent TB infection never develop agile TB illness. Only some people who take LTBI are more likely to develop active TB illness than others. Those at loftier chance for agile TB disease include:
People with HIV infection
People who became infected with TB bacteria in the last two years
Babies and young children
People who inject ilegal drugs
People who are sick with other diseases that weaken the allowed organization
Elderly people
People who were non treated correctly for TB in the pastIf you have latent TB infection (a positive TB skin test or positive TB claret test) and y'all are in i of these high-risk groups, you need to take medicine to go along from developing active TB illness. This is called treatment for latent TB infection. There are several treatment options. Y'all and your wellness care provider must determine which treatment is all-time for you.
The medicine usually taken for the treatment of LTBI is called Isoniazid (INH). If taken for 6 to 9 months, INH kills the bacteria that are in your body. If you take your medicine as instructed by your doctor or nurse, it tin go on you from developing active TB illness. Children, adolescents, and HIV-infected person with LTBI demand to take INH for 9 months.
Because there are less bacteria, the treatment for latent TB infection is much easier than treatment for TB illness. Usually, i drug is needed to care for latent TB infection. A person with active TB affliction has a large amount of leaner in the body. Several drugs are needed to treat active TB illness.
Sometimes people are given treatment for LTBI fifty-fifty if their skin test reaction is negative. This is often done with infants, children, and HIV-infected persons who have recently spent fourth dimension with someone who has active TB illness. This is because they are at very high run a risk of developing agile TB disease soon later they become infected with TB bacteria.
- Respond: Many people who have latent TB infection never develop agile TB illness. Only some people who take LTBI are more likely to develop active TB illness than others. Those at loftier chance for agile TB disease include:
- What does information technology mean to have latent infection?
- Answer: In virtually people who breathe in TB bacteria and become infected, the body is able to fight the bacteria to stop them from growing. Even though at that place are TB germs in the body, they are not active merely are in a fallow or sleeping country. The bodys defenses control the bacteria past building a wall around them the way a scab forms over a cutting. The germs can stay inside these walls for years, live simply not agile. Since these TB germs are not agile, they cant practice damage to the person and they tin cant spread to other people. The person is infected, but is not ill and has no symptoms. As well, many people are not even enlightened that at that place is an infection unless they are is tested for TB. Many people who take latent TB infection never develop agile TB disease. The leaner tin remain live for a lifetime without causing disease. Merely in other people, especially those who have a weak immune system, the bacteria become active and multiply. The consequence is TB disease.
The deviation betwixt Latent TB Infection and Agile TB Disease:
A person with Latent TB Infection
- Does not feel sick
- Has no symptoms
- Cannot spread TB leaner to others
- Commonly has a positive skin test or positive blood test
- Has a normal breast x-ray and a negative sputum smear
- Should consider treatment for latent TB infection to prevent active TB disease from developing
A person with Active TB Disease
- Normally feels sick
- Has symptoms described to a higher place
- May spread TB leaner to others
- Usually has a positive peel exam or positive claret exam
- May accept an aberrant chest x-ray, or positive sputum smear, or civilization
- Needs treatment for active TB illness
- Answer: In virtually people who breathe in TB bacteria and become infected, the body is able to fight the bacteria to stop them from growing. Even though at that place are TB germs in the body, they are not active merely are in a fallow or sleeping country. The bodys defenses control the bacteria past building a wall around them the way a scab forms over a cutting. The germs can stay inside these walls for years, live simply not agile. Since these TB germs are not agile, they cant practice damage to the person and they tin cant spread to other people. The person is infected, but is not ill and has no symptoms. As well, many people are not even enlightened that at that place is an infection unless they are is tested for TB. Many people who take latent TB infection never develop agile TB disease. The leaner tin remain live for a lifetime without causing disease. Merely in other people, especially those who have a weak immune system, the bacteria become active and multiply. The consequence is TB disease.
- What is a TB skin test?
- Answer: A "TB Skin Test" is a test to run across if TB germs are present in the body. L.A. Canton uses the Mantoux method only for testing.
- Why would someone need a pare exam?
- Answer: A skin test is used to run across if a person has been exposed and infected by M. tuberculosis or tubercle bacilli. A exam may also be required by an employer equally an employment screening or to enter school.
- Who should exist tested for TB?
- Reply: People who take symptoms of active TB disease
- People who have spent a long fourth dimension with someone who has agile TB disease (a family fellow member, friend, or co-worker)
- People who take HIV infection, lowered immunity, or certain medical weather condition such as diabetes or chronic kidney failure
- People who have worked or lived in a homeless shelter, prison, or other group setting
- People who have come to the United States recently from a canton where there is a lot of TB
- Reply: People who take symptoms of active TB disease
- How is a person tested to determine if they have TB?
- Answer: A TB peel examination is used to help detect TB infection. A small-scale needle is used to put a liquid testing material nether your pare. In 2 3 days, you lot render to your health intendance provider who will bank check to run across if there is a reaction to the liquid. In some cases, a special TB claret test is given to examination for TB infection. Other tests are needed to evidence if y'all have TB disease. An x-ray of your chest can tell if at that place is damage to your lungs from TB. The phlegm (flem) you coughing upwardly tin be tested in a lab to see if there are TB germs in your lungs. If TB illness is in your lungs, you may cough a lot, cough up phlegm, cough up claret, or have breast hurting when you cough or exhale. You may too feel weak, lose your appetite, lose weight, accept a fever, or sweat a lot at night.
- When should a TB test exist examined? (read or checked)
- Answer: The skin exam should be examined (or read) 48-72 hours after it is administered. Information technology is acceptable to read the skin examination up to 96 hours after administration if it is not possible to read it earlier. After 96 hours, a skin test of less than 10 mm of induration should exist repeated. A skin test of 10 mm or more is positive at any time.
- What does a positive TB peel examination hateful?
- Reply: A positive skin test ways that a person has been exposed to TB germs sometime during their lifetime. It does not indicate that a person has TB or is contagious.
- Should a person who had a BCG vaccination go a TB skin test?
- Answer: Yes. Not all BCG vaccinations are constructive. A history of BCG vaccination does not exempt students or employees from the peel test.
- Can a person who has previously had a positive peel test reaction be re-tested?
- Answer: Yes, but repeated TB skin testing is not necessary once a person has a previous positive reaction. Nevertheless, some people may forget the effect of their test, especially if information technology was given many years ago. Therefore, if in that location is no previously documented positive test result to be establish, the test should be repeated and properly recorded.
- Can my pare test exist read if I render to the dispensary subsequently 72 hours?
- Respond: It is acceptable to read the test upward to 96 hours afterwards administration if it is not possible to do it earlier. After 96 hours, a skin test of less than 10 mm of induration (swelling) should be repeated. A skin test of 10mm or more is positive at any fourth dimension.
- Can I become tuberculosis from getting the skin test?
- Answer: No. The testing fluid that you are receiving, known every bit PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) does not contain any live TB bacteria and, therefore, cannot infect yous with TB. It merely contains some of the poly peptide that is removed from the bacteria and so purified.
- After the examination, tin I work, play, exercise, or take a shower?
- Answer: Yes. The small blister that appears at the site of the injection (chosen a wheal) should disappear in about 15 minutes.
- Does a positive TB test mean that I am going to get tuberculosis?
- Answer: The pare test can just tell if you are infected with TB bacteria. To determine if you accept agile TB affliction, you lot volition demand a breast ten-ray and other tests of your sputum. If you doc determines that you do have agile TB illness, you will exist given medicines to cure you of the affliction. If left untreated, however TB can be fatal. Since TB is curable and preventable, this is all the more than reason to see your dr. for a consummate medical evaluation.
- Can a pregnant woman exist skin tested?
- Answer: Yeah, Pregnancy is not a reason to non accept a TB test and, in fact, is recommended as part of good prenatal care. The pare test is valid and safe throughout pregnancy.
- Are these tests safe if you lot are pregnant or trying to conceive?
- Respond: Yes. A TB skin test does not interfere with your attempt to become meaning nor does information technology have any negative impact on the evolution of your unborn baby.
- How is TB spread?
- Answer: TB is spread through the air from one person to some other by tiny airborne particles that contain the bacteria. They are put into the air when a person with active TB illness of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings. People nearby may breathe in these bacteria and become infected. You cannot, all the same, catch TB from clothing, dishes, food, or trunk contact with someone who has TB.
- If someone has TB, will everyone around him or her develop the illness?
- Reply: Not necessarily. The likelihood that a person might inhale TB leaner from someone who has TB illness depends on four factors:
- Infectiousness of the person who has TB. The more infectious a person is, the more bacteria he or she exhales with each breath. As a result, more than TB bacteria are put into the air for others to inhale.
- The virulence or strength of the organism that they exhale from their lungs. A more virulent bacteria has the ability to remain live and reproduce longer and to cause more harm to the lung once it is inhaled.
- Duration or length of time that a person is exposed to the leaner that are present in the environment. The longer the exposure, the greater the opportunity to inhale more than organisms.
- The environment in which the bacteria are suspended in the air. A small room with poor air circulation is an platonic surround for transmitting TB leaner from one person to another. When air is allowed to broadcast in a room (open window, fan, air conditioning, etc.) TB leaner do not have an opportunity to remain suspended in the air and are more likely to cease upwardly in the exiting portion of the buildings ventilation organization or sent out of doors through an open window.
- Reply: Not necessarily. The likelihood that a person might inhale TB leaner from someone who has TB illness depends on four factors:
- How can I keep from spreading TB to others.
- Answer: The about important style to keep from spreading TB is to take all your medicine exactly every bit directed by your healthcare provider. You likewise need to keep all of your clinic appointments. Your doctoror nurse needs to see how you lot are doing. You may need another breast x-ray or a examination of the sputum (phlegm) you lot may cough up. These tests will evidence whether the medicine is working. They will also show whether you tin nevertheless give TB leaner to others.
If you lot are sick enough with active TB to go to a hospital, you may be put in a special room. This room uses air vents that keep TB leaner from spreading to other rooms. People who work in these special roms must wear a special face mask to protect themselves from TB leaner. Yous must stay in the room so that you volition non spread TB bacteria to other people.
If yous are infectious while you lot are at home, there are sure things you can do to protect yourself and others near y'all. Your doctor may tell you to follow these guidelines to protect yourself and others:
- The near of import thing you lot tin do is to take your medicine and end the unabridged course of therapy
- Always encompass your oral cavity and nose with a tissue when you cough, sneeze, or laugh. Put the tissue in a airtight bag and throw it abroad.
- Practice non go to work, to school, or out among other people until your dr. determines that you lot are no longer contagious. Sleep in a bedroom abroad form other family members.
Air out your room often and allow fresh air from outside to circulate. TB spreads in small, closed spaces where air doesnt move. Put a fan in your window to accident out (frazzle) air that may be filled with TB bacteria. If you open up other windows in the room, the fan also will pull in fresh air. This will reduce the changes that TB bacteria will stay in the room and infect someone who breathes the air
- Answer: The about important style to keep from spreading TB is to take all your medicine exactly every bit directed by your healthcare provider. You likewise need to keep all of your clinic appointments. Your doctoror nurse needs to see how you lot are doing. You may need another breast x-ray or a examination of the sputum (phlegm) you lot may cough up. These tests will evidence whether the medicine is working. They will also show whether you tin nevertheless give TB leaner to others.
- When is TB contagious?
- Answer: TB can exist contagious in adolescents and adults, who are coughing, have a positive pare test, and an aberrant chest Ten-ray. TB medications volition make the person non-contagious very quickly. Because of the efficacy of TB medicines, patients are not quarantined and are ordinarily able to render to school or piece of work within several weeks.
- Are children with agile TB contagious?
- Reply: Children under the age of 12 rarely have contagious TB. This is because they take TB in a different area in the body and do not aerosolize or cough upward their germs into the air. It is for this reason that the Los Angeles County Section of Public Wellness has been instructed to cheque the immunization record on these children as being complimentary of catching TB on the mean solar day that the x-ray is taken.
- How, when, and where did I become infected?
- Answer: TB is spread through the air from one person to another. It is not spread by sharing utensils, drinking glasses, or cups, or sharing cigarettes. TB bacteria are put into the air when a person with TB disease of the lungs coughs, sneezes, sings, or speaks. People nearby may breathe in the bacteria and get infected. The TB skin test, yet, does non tell us when a person was infected, or who infected them.
- I read about this new strain of TB where the drugs practice not piece of work. Am I in danger of getting this?
- Answer: In that location is really not a new strain of TB. There have always been people in which some of the medicines do not work. If this is the case, we use additional medicines and patients take them for a longer period of fourth dimension. Cases where medicines are not completely constructive are uncommon in Los Angeles Canton.
- Should someone with TB disease be restricted from piece of work, school, or other social contacts?
- Answer: If TB disease is in your lungs or throat, you tin can requite TB germs to your family, friends, and co-workers. They may go infected with TB germs and become sick with TB disease. That is why you may have to exist separated from other people until y'all tin cant spread TB germs. Taking your medicines equally your healthcare provider instructs will shorten the fourth dimension y'all demand to be separated from other people.
- Should someone with latent TB infection exist restricted from work, school, or other social contacts?
- Answer: No. People with TB infection are not contagious and tint spread TB to others.
- What can exist done to forestall the spread of TB?
- Respond: If you lot have TB disease, you demand to have all your medicines as directed by your healthcare provider. Yous should always embrace your oral cavity when you lot cough or sneeze. Your healthcare provider may recommend that your family and others with whom you lot have spent a lot of time accept a TB pare test. If these people accept a positive reaction to the test, their health care provider will probably social club a chest x-ray to come across if they have TB infection or TB disease. If they take a negative reaction to the TB skin test, they should have their TB skin test repeated after two to three months.
- If I were exposed to someone with active TB affliction, could I give TB to others?
- Answer: Only existence exposed to someone who had active TB illness does non guarantee that yous besides will become infected with TB disease. In order for you to give TB to someone else, you beginning have to go infected yourself and then develop TB affliction. Exposure to a disease refers to being in the same environment where the infectious organisms are present (bacteria, in the instance of TB) so that you lot have the opportunity to inhale them into your lungs. Even afterward inhaling TB bacteria, not everyone becomes infected and non every infected person develops active, contagious, TB disease.
- What role does surgery play in treating TB?
- Answer: Surgery has a very limited office to play in treating TB. It may be helpful in a patient with MDR-TB for which there are limited drugs bachelor for treatment, to stop bleeding, or to drain a persistently infected space in the lung. Clinicians who are considering surgery on their patients should consult with physicians at the 50.A. Canton Tuberculosis Command Programme
- Are TB patients put into isolation or quarantine, as they were many years ago?
- Answer: Today, treatment of TB is almost universally done on an outpatient basis. Unless a patientsouthward TB is so astringent that information technology requires hospitalization, the bulk of patients receive their medications by Directly Observed Therapy and routine visits to their healthcare provider are scheduled in order to monitor the patients progress. Soon after a patient is diagnosed with TB, he or she is still contagious during the start few weeks after starting his or her course of medication. During these few weeks, patients are advised to remain at home and not interact closely with other people. This may hateful time off work, beingness absent from schoolhouse, and non socializing around others. This is non the same as the types of isolation and quarantine that were expert many years ago when patients were placed in sanatorium facilities for treatment of their TB.
- My meaning wife needs to take TB medications. Are these drugs rubber for her and the baby?
- Reply: TB medications taken during pregnancy are rubber for both mother and developing child. Anti-TB medications can besides be given to breast-feeding mothers with no harmful effects to the nursing infant.
- Is there a vaccination confronting TB?
- Answer: In that location is currently no constructive vaccine that protects people from developing TB infection and TB disease. However, BCG, or Bacille Calmette Guerin, is a vaccine that children often arrive countries that have a lot of TB. It may protect them from severe forms of TB disease, such every bit TB meningitis. BCG shots are not used much in the Us. The vaccine may be constructive for merely about one twelvemonth. It does not preclude people from getting TB, particularly adult pulmonary TB (TB of the lungs).
- How is agile TB affliction treated?
- Reply: There is good news for people with agile TB disease. It can almost always be treated and cured with medicine. TB disease can be treated by taking several anti-TB medicines. If y'all have TB disease, information technology is very important that you lot finish all of your medications and take them exactly as directed by your healthcare provider. It takes at least six months to one year to impale all the TB germs in your body. If yous stop taking the medicines too soon, you can get sick again. If y'all do not take the medicines correctly, the germs that are even so alive may become drug resistant and the illness may get very difficult to treat.
If you take active TB disease, you volition be taking several unlike medicines. This is considering there are many leaner to be killed. Taking several medicines volition do a better job of killing all the bacteria and preventing them from condign resistant to the medicines than if you lot were to take merely one drug solitary. The nearly mutual medications used to treat TB are:
- Isoniazid (INH)
- Rifampin (RIF)
- Ethambutol
- Pyrazinamide
If you take active TB disease of the lungs or throat, you lot are probably infectious. You need to stay abode from piece of work or school so that yous dont spread TB bacteria to other people. After taking your medicine for a few weeks, y'all volition feel better and you may no longer be infectious to others. Your healthcare provider will tell you lot when you lot tin can return to work or school or visit with friends.
Having active TB disease should not terminate yous from leading a normal life. When you are no longer infectious or feeling sick, you can exercise the same things you did earlier y'all had active TB illness. The medicines you are taking should not bear on your forcefulness, sexual office, or ability to work. If y'all take your medicines as directed past your dr. or nurse, they should kill all the TB bacteria. This will proceed you from becoming sick again.
- Reply: There is good news for people with agile TB disease. It can almost always be treated and cured with medicine. TB disease can be treated by taking several anti-TB medicines. If y'all have TB disease, information technology is very important that you lot finish all of your medications and take them exactly as directed by your healthcare provider. It takes at least six months to one year to impale all the TB germs in your body. If yous stop taking the medicines too soon, you can get sick again. If y'all do not take the medicines correctly, the germs that are even so alive may become drug resistant and the illness may get very difficult to treat.
- What are the side effects of medicine for TB?
- Answer: If you are taking medicines for TB, yous should accept it as directed by your doctor or nurse. The medicines may cause side effects. Some side effects are minor, while others are more serious. If you have serious side effect, telephone call your md or nurse immediately. You may be told to end taking your medicine or to return to the dispensary for tests.
The side effects listed below are serious. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor or nurse immediately:
- No appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Xanthous skin or eyes
- Fever for iii days or more
- Abdominal hurting
- Tingling fingers or toes
- Skin rash
- Bleeding easily
- Aching joints
- Dizziness
- Tingling or numbness around the oral fissure
- Bruising easily
- Blurred vision or changes in vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Hearing loss
The side effects listed below are small-scale. If you have any of these side effects, you tin can continue taking your medicine:
- Rifampin can plough urine, saliva, or tears orange. The doctor or nurse may suggest you non to clothing soft contact lenses considering they may go stained.
- Rifampin tin make you more sensitive to the lord's day. This means that you lot should employ a good sunscreen and cover exposed areas so you dont fire.
- Rifampin makes birth control pills and implants less constructive. Women who take refampin should use another form of birth control.
- If you lot are taking rifampin besides equally methadone (used to trat drug addiction), y'all may have withdrawal symptoms. Your doctor may need to adjust your methadone dosage.
- Answer: If you are taking medicines for TB, yous should accept it as directed by your doctor or nurse. The medicines may cause side effects. Some side effects are minor, while others are more serious. If you have serious side effect, telephone call your md or nurse immediately. You may be told to end taking your medicine or to return to the dispensary for tests.
- Why do I demand to take TB medicines regularly and non miss any doses?
- Answer: TB bacteria dice very slowly. It takes at to the lowest degree 6 months for the medicines to kill all the TB bacteria. You will probably start feeling well later on a few weeks of treatment, but beware! The TB bacteria are still alive in your body. Yous must go along to take your medicines until all the bacteria are expressionless, even though you may experience ameliorate and have no more symptoms of active TB illness. If you dont keep taking your medicines or y'all arent taking all of your pills regularly, this can be very unsafe. The TB leaner will abound and you will remain sick for a longer period of fourth dimension. The bacteria may as well go resistant to the medicines you are taking. You may need new, different medicines to kill the bacteria if the old medicines no longer work. These new medicines must exist taken for a longer menstruation of fourth dimension and usually have more serious side furnishings. If you go infectious again, you could give TB bacteria to y'all family unit, friends, or anyone else who spends time with you lot. Information technology is very important to take your medicines equally directed past your doctor or nurse.
- What is directly observed therapy?
- Answer: The best way to remember to accept your medicines is to go direct observed therapy (DOT). If you lot receive DOT, you will meet with a healthcare worker every day or several times a week and he or she will deliver your medicines to you. You lot will meet at a place y'all both agree on. This can be in the TB clinic, at your home or work, or whatsoever other convenient location. Y'all will take your medicines at this place while the healthcare worker watches you consume your pills.
DOT helps in several ways. The healthcare worker can help yous remember to take your medicines and complete your treatment. This means you will become well as soon as possible. With DOT, y'all may need to accept medicines only 2 or 3 times each week instead of every day.
The healthcare worker will make sure that the medicines are working every bit they should. This person volition besides sentinel for side furnishings and answer questions you have about TB.
Even if you are non getting DOT, you must exist checked at different times to brand sure everything is going well. You lot should run into your doctor or nurse regularly while you are taking your medicines. This will continue until yous are cured.
- Answer: The best way to remember to accept your medicines is to go direct observed therapy (DOT). If you lot receive DOT, you will meet with a healthcare worker every day or several times a week and he or she will deliver your medicines to you. You lot will meet at a place y'all both agree on. This can be in the TB clinic, at your home or work, or whatsoever other convenient location. Y'all will take your medicines at this place while the healthcare worker watches you consume your pills.
- How can I remember to take my medicine if I1000 non on DOT?
- Answer: The only way to go well is to take your medicines exactly every bit directed past your doctor or nurse. This may not be easy. Y'all volition exist taking your medicines for a long time (half-dozen months or longer), so you should get into a routine. Here are some ways to help you retrieve to take your medicines:
- Have you pills at the same time everyday for case, you can accept them before eating breakfast, during a coffee break, or after brushing your teeth.
- Inquire a family unit member or friend to remind you to accept your pills
- Mark off each day on a calendar as you take your medicine
- Put your pills in a weekly pill dispenser. Keep it past your bed or in your handbag or pocket.
- Answer: The only way to go well is to take your medicines exactly every bit directed past your doctor or nurse. This may not be easy. Y'all volition exist taking your medicines for a long time (half-dozen months or longer), so you should get into a routine. Here are some ways to help you retrieve to take your medicines:
- What are multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB)?
- Answer: Sometimes TB bacteria are resistant to the medicines employ to treat TB disease. This means that the medicines can no longer kill the bacteria. Multidrug-resistant TB, or MDR-TB, is acquired by bacteria that are resistant to ii or more than of the about important TB medicines Isoniazid (INH) and Rifampin (RIF).
A more serious grade of MDR TB is called extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). XDR-TB is a rare form of TB that is resistant to nearly all medicines used to treat TB disease. If you do not take your medicines as directed past your healthcare provider, the TB bacteria may become resistant to a certain medicine. Also, people who accept spent fourth dimension with someone ill with MDR-TB or XDR-TB tin become infected with these multidrug-resistant leaner.
Drug resistance is more mutual in people who:
- Have spent time with someone with drug-resistant TB illness
- Do non accept all of their medicines as directed past their healthcare provider
- Develop active TB illness again, after having taken TB medicines in the past
- Come from areas where drug-resistant TB is mutual
People with MDR-TB or XDR-TB must be treated with special medicines. Thee medicines are non as proficient as the usual medicines for TB, and they may cause moe side effects. Also, people with MDR-TB and XDR-TB must meet a TB expert who can closely observe their treatment to make sure it is working. Handling talks much longer than regular TB. Finally, people with either MDR-TB or XDR-TB are at greater hazard of dying from the affliction.
- Answer: Sometimes TB bacteria are resistant to the medicines employ to treat TB disease. This means that the medicines can no longer kill the bacteria. Multidrug-resistant TB, or MDR-TB, is acquired by bacteria that are resistant to ii or more than of the about important TB medicines Isoniazid (INH) and Rifampin (RIF).
- Who gets TB?
- Answer: Anyone can get TB. You are more likely to become TB infection if you spent time with someone with TB illness, you recently came to the United States from a county with lots of TB, or if you lot spent fourth dimension in a grouping living situation. Yous are more likely to get TB disease if you lot have TB infection and are HIV positive, are a substance abuser, are very young, are elderly, or have a medical condition that weakens your allowed system, such equally cancer or diabetes.
- What are the symptoms of TB disease?
- Answer: The symptoms depend on where in the body the TB bacteria are growing. TB in the lungs may crusade symptoms such as:
- A bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer
- Pain in the chest when breathing in or out
- Coughing upward blood or sputum (phlegm from deep inside the lungs)
Other symptoms of active TB illness include:
- Weakness or fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Chills
- Fever
- Sweating at nighttime
- Answer: The symptoms depend on where in the body the TB bacteria are growing. TB in the lungs may crusade symptoms such as:
- What is tuberculosis?
- Reply: Tuberculosis is a contagious affliction caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These leaner normally assail the lungs merely can as well attack whatsoever other office of the body such as the kidneys, spine, and encephalon. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal. TB disease was in one case the leading cause of death in the United States but now, in the 21st century, it has still not been eradicated and poses a very serious public health threat throughout the globe.
TB is spread through the air from ane person to some other by tiny airborne particles that contain the leaner. They are put into the air when a person with agile TB illness of the lungs or throat coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings. People nearby may breathe in these leaner and go infected. You cannot, however, grab TB from wearable, dishes, food, or body contact with someone who has TB.
Even so, not everyone who is infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. People who are infected but are not ill have what is called Latent TB Infection (LTBI). People with LTBI do not experience sick, do not accept any symptoms, and cannot spread TB to others. However, some people who accept LTBI go on to develop active TB illness which is contagious and does have symptoms.
- Reply: Tuberculosis is a contagious affliction caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These leaner normally assail the lungs merely can as well attack whatsoever other office of the body such as the kidneys, spine, and encephalon. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal. TB disease was in one case the leading cause of death in the United States but now, in the 21st century, it has still not been eradicated and poses a very serious public health threat throughout the globe.
Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide authentic translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version. | |
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